
Diane Osgood Headshot
Cover of the Carbon Almanac co-authored by Diane Osgood


is my passion, and it’s my work.

I discovered my shopping superpowers unexpectedly, while studying wild orangutans in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Watching the tropical forest get cut down day by day, I realized that if consumers refused to buy products made from tropical wood, demand would dry up and so deforestation would stop. That’s a bit simplistic, but it fueled my passion to earn a Ph.D. in Environmental Economics at the London School of Economics and become an authority on sustainable and ethical products.

For more than 30 years, I’ve helped companies create products that are better for people, for the planet, and for businesses. I collaborated to design verification systems for certifications and reporting standards that millions of shoppers rely on today.

I’m privileged to advise people such as former President Bill Clinton, heads of state from Caribbean countries and Costa Rica, fashion icon Donna Karan, actor Julia Ormond, and change-maker Zainab Salbli. I worked for Richard Branson as his director of sustainability for 5 years. 

My consultancy, Osgood Consulting, prepares companies to face climate change and human rights challenges. I write for professional publications such as FastCompany and GreenBiz.

Website design by Gwarlingo Studio